Public Speaking Across the Curriculum:
A Post-Conference Symposium, Saturday, 15 October, 2016
Thanks to the generous support of the University of California Office of the President, a Post-Conference Symposium on Public Speaking Across the Curriculum will be held on Saturday, 15 October 2016 (ca. 10 AM-4 PM). Throughout UC (and beyond), many of us who teach writing have also been engaged in teaching and researching the history, theory, and practice of public speaking. This workshop represents the first UC-wide opportunity to strategize collaboratively our different but complementary approaches to effective, persuasive oral communication. In consort with the UC Writing Conference focus on “Reflections on the Past and Visions of the Future,” we will ponder questions related to the past and future of the art of persuasion, such as: What are the challenges, intellectual and practical, of mounting a bona fide Public Speaking curriculum at our respective institutions? If public speaking is taught on your campus, what are its goals? In which department(s) or program(s) are the course taught? How often? To how many? To what demographics? What partnerships and potential partnerships emerge between campus and community as a result of these courses?
This symposium, structured as two Roundtable Panels with a luncheon in between, is open to all interested colleagues, regardless of institutional affiliation. If you wish to join us, either as a panelist or an attendee, kindly respond to this announcement, no later than 15 July 2016, with either
- A brief proposal (250-500 wds.) detailing the content of a 10-minute presentation on a key issue, or,
- An indication of your wish to attend.
Subject to budgetary limitations, funds will be available to help subsidize an extra night in Santa Barbara for all roundtable panelists from the UC system.
Please direct proposals and inquiries to:
Jody Enders, Director, The Public Speaking Initiative